Collards Adult Grain Free Chicken&Potato
Collards Adult Grain Free Chicken & Potato Dry Dog Food. Collards grain free chicken and potato dry dog food is a carefully crafted recipe offering your dog a complete and balanced meal. Made using hypoallergenic principles Collards grain free recipes are not only free from ALL grains and cereals but contains sugar beet pulp which is easier for dogs to digest- helping to avoid digestive upset and runny stools. The Collards grain free chicken and potato recipe also contains Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM to support joint health as your dog grows. It’s not just a delicious recipe either the Collards grain free dry dog food range comes in fully recyclable packaging! Made from LDPE simply take your Collards bags to your local supermarket to be recycled along with your carrier bags.
Chicken 37.2% (Chicken Meat Meal 32.0% Chicken Oil 4.2% Chicken Digest 1.0%) Potato Flake (33.5%) Pea Starch (10.0%) Sugar Beet Pulp (10.0%) Whole Peas (5.0%) Brewers Yeast (1.5%) Dried Carrot (0.5%) Salmon Oil (0.5%) Chicory Root Extract (as a source of Prebiotic FOS) (0.3%) Mixed Herbs and Botanical (Seaweed Meal Rosemary Powder Dried Green Beams Dried Spinach Dried Thyme Dried Peppermint Blueberry Powder) (0.2%) Mannan-oligosaccharides (Prebiotic MOS) (0.1%) Glucosamine (340mg/kg) MSM (340mg/kg) Chondroitin (240mg/kg) Extract of Yucca Schidgera (200mg/kg).
Analytical Constituents
Crude Protein 27%
Crude Fibre 3%
Crude Fat 10%
Crude Ash 8.5%